Transparency International Zimbabwe April Newsletter



The school of Integrity Initiative

Young people’s participation in governance processes has been minimal owing to a multiple factor such as limited spaces for robust engagement, existing institutional and structural boundaries. There is evidence that young people are the most affected by mis-governance and high levels of corruption. Corruption denies young people opportunities and propagates kleptocracy which is a form of corruption that exists to increase the personal wealth of political officials at the expense of the wider population (TI Z: 2015). If effectively mobilised young people can effect positive change in the governance processes and contribute to the broader fight against corruption. Instructively, engaging young people is essential in curbing corruption as they represent a significant portion of the population (especially in developing countries) and are generally more open to social change and political transformation.

Transparency Watch

First Edition January 2024
Unveiling Zimbabwe's National Anti-Corruption Strategy: Challenges and Triumphs in the Fight Against Corruption

In an ongoing battle against corruption, Zimbabwe grapples with the intricate balance of coordinating diverse anti- corruption entities. The effectiveness of anti-corruption endeavours relies heavily on the seamless coordination among anti-corruption agencies and stakeholders. Nevertheless, the complexity arising from diverse institutions, overlapping mandates, conflicting agendas, institutional ambiguity, and varying degrees of independence poses significant challenges, making it exceedingly difficult for these entities to synchronize their actions.

Developments around procurements in the Public Interest

Health Sector

Harare, 10 May 2023. Transparency International Zimbabwe (TI Z) notes the recent withdrawal of the General Notice 635 of 2023 which purported to place procurement of certain goods outside public scrutiny on grounds of “national interest”. The retraction is a befitting action as such a notice has no place in an open and democratic society. TI Z takes this opportunity to reiterate to the Government of Zimbabwe on the need to remain alive to basic tenants of public procurement that are: transparency, accountability, fairness and integrity. For TI Z, it is within the public interest that all procurement processes are subject to open and transparent public scrutiny and evaluation to promote accountability and fair bidding processes. Shrouding public procurement in secrecy does not only create monopolies, collusive tendencies, but promotes fruitless and wasteful expenditure of public resources resulting in continued poor service delivery.

Al Jazeera documentary: Episode 1 of 4

The Al Jazeera documentary: Gold Mafia: Episode 1-The Laundry Service

Harare, 28 March 2023. The Al Jazeera documentary: Gold Mafia: Episode 1-The Laundry Service, released on 23rd March 2023, exposes alleged illicit financial flows from Zimbabwe, including serious allegations of abuse of diplomatic immunity, illicit gold trading, corruption and money laundering in the mining sector. Transparency International calls on the Financial Intelligence Unit, Zimbabwe Republic Police and the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate further and cause necessary reforms to end such activities in the country.

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A School of Integrity Initiative

Welcome to the second edition of our Speak Up Newsletter where we bring on debates on anticorruption issues and initiatives in Zimbabwe. This edition highlights everyday experiences of corruption and debates in the extractive sector, gender dynamics, local governance, and corruption within the healthcare sector. Transparency International Zimbabwe believes that institutions play a critical role in the fight against corruption. There is a need to invest in strengthening institutions such as parliament, local authorities, and anticorruption institutions. These are important in ensuring horizontal and vertical accountability. This month’s edition of Speak UP gives an overview of the work of TI Z in various sectors and its efforts in strengthening institutions. The issues raised are led by young people who are joining the broader campaign of speaking up and playing their part in the fight against corruption. Involving young people in combating corruption is an important step we are taking because young people are an integral element for the success of a cultural change in attitudes and behavior towards corruption and the shaping of the values of tomorrow.



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Connecting the dots on Corruption

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Join us in the fight against corruption

If you have suspicions that some form of corruption is taking place, you should report it; not only to us, but to an appropriate authority.