TI-Z's mission is to be a knowledge driven and evidence based anti-corruption CSO. It therefore established a Research Unit in 2012 to advance knowledge in the area of corruption, anti-corruption and governance in Zimbabwe. The mandate of the unit is to provide professionally generated applied research as the basis for knowledge and information management on corruption related issues including research-based advocacy. This research will assist in governance planning, social and economic development, and investment planning for private and public sector projects, local and international organizations.

Target Group
Civil Society Organizations
Government Institutions and departments
International Organization
Modes of operation
The research unit uses multiple models in conducting research. The models and tools are as follows
- Qualitative and quantitative methods are initially triangulated to gather data. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are essential in conducting research as they reinforce each other in revealing the findings of the subject of study
- Literature review is another essential method of research. The research Unit reviews literature of past and present studies to ensure relevance of the subject that will be under study.
- Interviews are conducted as a process of data gathering. Interviews are carried out with various stakeholders to ensure true and valid information is collected for the subject that will be under study
- Focus group discussions are also used as processes of data collection. Focus groups are done with community groups that gather around to discuss and share ideas on the subject under study. It is another process used to collect data for research.
- Questionnaires are used as tools to gather data for researches that will be carried out. Questionnaires are normally used for baseline studies to find general perceptions and ideas of opinions of the subject under study.